District 25
NEBridge - President's Letter December 2017

Greetings and Happy New Year!
The holiday season has always been special to me. I always think of family and friends, and what they mean to me. The players of New England Bridge Conference have become a part of my family, and I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president.
We had some major success: after years of year-over-year declines in attendance, we were able to reverse the trend in 2016 and actually have increases year over year the last two years. This is the only district in the ACBL that can make that claim. Most districts are continuing the downward spiral. Our finances like our attendance were also becoming a problem, which was no surprise in that they are hand-in-hand. However, the treasury has now increased to where we have a substantial cushion again, in spite of major expenses in rebuilding the KO and increased advertising, marketing and promotional expenses.
We made a lot of changes. Know that every change was based on research, polling, and experience from other regionals like Gatlinburg. To the contributors I have a debt of gratitude.
It has been a great two years and a lot of work. I am happy to tell you that my vice president Lois DeBlois is more than ready to take over, and I think that you should all expect great things from her. She is organized and hard working. I am thrilled to have worked together with her as a team.
Bob Bertoni
District 25 President
More Fun, More Places to Win, More Recognition, all at NEBC District 25.